Friday, January 7, 2011

Hello 2011 and Made in the USA!

Hello 2011! Like so many small business owners in America we are hoping for better times in the new year. We barely survived 2010 but we did survive!

We are so proud that against great odds we have been able to bring our production to the USA! This task seemed insurmountable at one time. We have never heard the words "no" and "bankruptcy" so many times in our lives. The banks, the SBA, lawyers and local politicians all told us the same thing through out 2010; no or you should file bankruptcy and find something else to do. Well we did not listen to them we listened to you the customer! Cruiserworks customers are the best in the world! The phone calls and emails we have received over the past year encouraging us to hang in there and not give up made all the difference in the world to us and is what kept us fighting. Jay and I are baby boomers and we remember when things were built to last and were mostly made in the USA. We are tired of living in disposable America! Now though we still have a long way to go, we are in a better place for sure. We are very proud to be helping create real jobs for Americans by bringing our production back to the USA!

Jay and I had the pleasure of spending 3 days with the nice folks at Weinbrenner in September 2010. We toured the factory in WI where the Cruiserboots will be produced and met the production workers that will be making the boots. We saw very skilled people that work very hard and take great pride in what they do. American made with American pride and it showed!

I had mentioned in Novembers email blast that we had found funding and were going full steam ahead into production but unfortunately that funding from a private investor fell through. So we are back to baby steps but still feel blessed and are excited about Cruiserworks future. The Men's Tour style boot will be the first out of production and we are looking at sometime in late February for delivery. Once the first few styles are produces things will start happening faster.

Made in the USA will cost a little more and but is well worth it! You get what you pay for as the saying goes and it’s hard to go wrong with USA made Cruiserboots. With our satisfaction guaranteed attitude we will make sure you are happy with your purchase! We stand behind the boots 100%. We have a generous return policy on internet orders and Jay and I will personally assist you with sizing if needed. We have fitted hundreds of people in our boots, we can help you get the right fit the first time. We also offer anyone that walks into our booth at a show a free boot shine! Yes Jay and I personally shine boots for you for free! We have shined many of our boots for folks at rallies! So when you see us out in 2011, come by for a complimentary boot shine from the proud owners of Cruiserworks!

There is no denying mine and Jay’s passion and belief in the Cruiserboots. We believe that nothing can touch the Cruiserboots for comfort and performance on and off the bike. Cruiserboots are fully waterproof and provide the support and safety you need on a motorcycle. We have an uncompromising passion and belief in our product. Cruiserboots are proven, every year, by every rider, every mile, in every boot.

We promise this. And we promise our commitment to keep you a happy customer.

Ride safe and many thanks,


Cara and Jay Crawford

Owners, Cruiserworks

Tuesday, July 27, 2010

Producing a boot in the USA, is this really happening?

Hello Cruiserworks Friends!

This Blog is a combination of what has been happening with producing the Cruiserboot here in the USA with just a hint of venting.

Ready for some great news? We are shipping the lasts and dies for the Men's Tour Boot to Wisconsin this week! The Weinbrenner Shoe Company has been both a leading manufacturer and a pioneering force in the American footwear industry since beginning operations in 1892 and they will be producing the Cruiserboots for us! Very nice folks up in Merrill, Wisconsin and we are looking forward to growing Cruiserworks with them. Jay and I are flying up to see this boot go into production in the next 3-4 weeks and once in production we are looking at a 6-8 week delivery. This again is possible because of you the customer and your undying support for Cruiserworks!

AS many of you know our no finances plan has been to move one style boot in production at a time so that is what we are doing. The cost to move one style boot at a time into production is between $15,000 and $20,000. So we will continue to save money to put towards getting another style in production. The order of the boots that go into production is determined by the best sellers. Here is the order: Tour first then Classic, Tall Side Zip, Defender, Lady Rider, Lady Side Zip, Lady Lace and Men's Short Zip. Of course we will move as quickly as we can getting them all in production.

Cruiserworks has been trying to secure a small loan for inventory for all of the 3 years that Jay and I have owned the company with absolutely no success. We have a very sound, very detailed Business Plan and up until 5 months ago had credit scores of over 740. All the banks we have applied with and the Small Business Administration office we have been working with has said our plan is solid and looks really good. So what is the problem? I am at a loss and have no idea why a minority owned company with annual sales of over $450,000 for the last 3 years can not secure a loan for inventory that would be produced right here in the USA. As far as Angel Investors go they get a higher quicker return on their money by investing in technology and medicine. Some want 51% which would be control of the company for a $50,000 investment! That is not going to happen!
Throughout this last year I have on a regular basis contacted my State Representatives,Congressmen, and whoever else in public office that will listen. I have also on a regular basis called the Whitehouse comment line as I did again on Monday July 26th only to be asked by the phone volunteer who answered if I had nothing better to do than to call the Whitehouse comment line! That statement was made with a very condescending arrogant attitude and it hurt my feelings greatly! I am 46 years old and have worked since I was 16 and have never drawn unemployment or been on any government assistance program. How dare he ask me if I have nothing better to do and to use such a tone that was intended to make me feel below him! I tried to get the BUTT HEADS name but he then hung up on me! I called back to complain and as soon as a nice caring sounding lady answered of course like a little girl I busted out crying! Not what I wanted to do because I was MAD AS HELL! I am after all a tough business woman right? Anyway I have my big girl pants back on today and I am once again trying to find some traditional funding for production and calling all the powers that be. I just hung up with the SBA in Charlotte and was told I should have contacted them 7 months ago and here is the kicker, I DID! The small community banks that normally do Micro Loans are not doing them unless you have acceptable collateral (they will not accept the $400,000 worth of boot making equipment we own) because of too much risk. And forget the big banks that the tax payers bailed out so they could hand out big bonuses to themselves because they do not do traditional lending now! What does that even mean that the big banks no longer do traditional loans? It is a BANK for crying out loud!

And please save the emails to me about my veiled political comments and that we must not have a good Business Plan or know what we are doing blah blah blah! It is bad out here people! Nothing will ever be as it used to be and I do not mean this comment to be veiled at all when I say WE NEED 2 or 4 YEAR TERMS so we can get them back to work for the people and out of the lobbyist pockets!

In an effort to get financial backing from somewhere we are trying to get as many commitment to buy boot orders as humanly possible. An impressive list of BO's for boots will go a long way with potential investors or lenders. Some of you have offered to pre pay for boots up front and wait 3-4 months for delivery! What an incredible gesture of support and faith in us that is! See you motorcycle riders really are the best! Please email or and show your support by letting us know that you want to be on the USA MADE Boots list!

I just refuse to let Cruiserworks go along with the dream of producing our great product here in the USA. After all during this very bad economy and depressing time we have managed to still be here and get the equipment back state side and on its way to a producer here in the USA! This is thanks to no one but YOU the Cruiserworks Customer for making it possible!

A sincere and heartfelt THANK YOU, to you the Cruiserworks customer for your continued support and help in keeping this great product and country alive!

Cara Crawford

Wednesday, June 30, 2010

Happy Independence Day Motorcycle friends!
July is here along with the heat! It has been pretty miserable in NC the last few weeks. July also means it’s time for the Wing Ding! We wish all you headed to Des Moines, IA a safe trip!
We are creeping along with getting the boots back into production. Things that have been happening are defining the spec sheet components and working out cost of production. We have tentatively planned a trip the last of July to meet with the manufacturer. Both sides have been getting to know each other through phone conversations over the last few months and we both are still pretty excited to be doing business together. It’s important to Jay and I to meet face to face with the people we are going to be doing business with. WE are looking for someone long term we can grow with and believe we have found them!
Rocky Brands came through for us with a few hundred pairs of boots! We still do not have several of the popular sizes, (mainly 11M) but it is definitely worth checking with us if you have been wanting boots. I also have a Back Order list started for the USA made boots. Commitments to buy are like money to the banks and potential investors. Again you guys are the best and we thank you so very much! This shows your support and we can’t do it without you!
Check out the links at the bottom of the page to follow some new Cruiserworks friends who are reviewing our boots on their cross country trips! All of them are first time Cruiserboot wearers and they all ride different bikes. Facebook is a great place to follow all your motorcycle friends! Jay and I are going on our first motorcycle trip together in over 5 years! We are super excited. My intentions are to share the trip through the Facebook and Twitter. WE will see how this works out as I am not that gadget savvy!
When going outdoors be sure to wear sunscreen, hat and a Coolrider Shirt, the sun is not our friend! We do have the Coolrider shirts on sale buy one get one free on available sizes and colors. We have nothing in the Men’s Large. The difference between the Men’s Coolrider shirts and Women’s Coolrider shirts is the length. The Women’s is about 3” shorter than the Men’s and we do have the Women’s large available for all you short wasted Men! Our shopping cart keeps us limited in applications so the discount is applied when the shirts ship. If we do not have the color you ordered but do have the size you ordered, we will ship whatever color we have in your size without calling you. Also when you order one shirt you will get 2 anyway. Long sleeve Mocks are $39.95 and T’s are $29.95. We will do this until they are gone!
Rich and Cyndy with Motorcycle Accessories Now got lots of folks fitted at Americade this year. I know all the vendor’s appreciate your support at the rallies. We are still hearing the rally attendance is down by about 30%. M.A.N. will still have a few boots with them at the Wing Ding. Even though they may not have your size in the style you want with them, they could help you determine what size you are then you can check with me. Our returns for sizing are 97% for half size larger and 3% for half size smaller. We do run small and we do not stretch and grow! I can assist greatly with sizing by phone. Call anytime to discuss your sizing. M.A.N. will have Cruiserworks leather crème, socks and resole information available at the Wing Ding.
Check out the new socks on the website and the specials we have besides the Coolrider Shirts. There are a few styles of the Hugger Gloves that are 15% off. Again the discount is applied when product ships and money is captured.

Check out the links below, I know you will enjoy these!:

Cruiserworks is still a proud sponsor for Ride Like a Pro and the Central Florida Drill Team. Check them out when they are at a rally near you. They are talented people and are fun to watch!

See you on the road!

Cara and Jay
Owners Cruiserworks

Friday, June 4, 2010

June 2010

Yes I am too honest and yes I believe in people! After the last email blast that was sent out I have gotten great constructive feedback that I very much appreciate.
I believe this will be the last time I visit financials in my blog but just wanted to clarify the reasons for not being able to obtain a loan for the business. It's real simple, this is how the last 2 years have played out for this small business:
October 2007-New owners for Cruiserworks
February 2008- Applied for a small business loan. Denied/no credit history for the company due to new ownership, no finacial history.
October 2008- Applied and denied because we need 2 full years of financials.
August 2009- Applied and denied because we now need 3 years of financials and we are cash sales.
February 2010- Applied and denied because we are cash sales and the bank can not accept the over $400,000 of manufacturing equipment as collateral.

AS we all now know the banks can make up whatever rules they want when they want. They like net 30 invoices to loan against! So for all you know everythings that obviously have the Midas touch who think we do not have a good business plan, you are very wrong! We are moving forward!

I have a USA made sample boot here and it looks fabulous!!I am currently communicating with the manufacturer to see how small our orders can be. Again we have to pay for everything up front so this is where it gets complicated. We may just produce 2 styles in the begining. We do have a few options even with no money.

Ride Safe!

Cara Crawford

Wednesday, April 28, 2010

Making Cruiserboots in the USA, #2

Wow, I just read March's Blog post and realized almost everything I wrote I ended it with an exclamation mark!I have a lot of passion for our product and this country.But to stay focused;producing in the USA is moving forward.

WE have not yet seen the sewn sample.I know, I know;I wish I would have never put a timeline in the last blog!Some of the delays have been due to identifing the correct die pieces for the style boot we want to see and getting the correct leather in to make the sample boot out of.The sample boots should be produced using our actual components and equipment so as to alert production of possible issues before we move into mass production.We do anticipate seeing a sample boot soon!

Cruiserworks has found their is no money being lent to small businesses by banks or the SBA and the TARP program is a joke.Cruiserworks has been trying to get funding for inventory since September 2009.WE do what banks consider cash sales not 30 day invoices and they consider it a risk.Banks do not take risks great or small anymore.They stay with the sure things like gold and oil.It's like they are not in business to bank anymore.Our money bailed them out so return the favor to the people who made you!Cruiserworks has shown steady sales increase for the 3 years Jay and I have owned the company and we are asking for 10% of what our yearly sales are.
The SBA (Small Business Asscociation)has been no help.They will back a loan if a bank approaches them but do not take applications directly.They also give some of the same run around as the banks give.Mostly they put it on the government.Anything to make you go away and quite asking.
Being a minority buisness owner I have been told we qualify for lots of grants.NOT TRUE!Grants I have found are unattainable!They are like the pot of gold at the end of the rainbow,you are told it is there but no one ever finds it!

Cruiserworks will be taking baby steps for awhile longer.We are very excited to be in talks with a manufacturer that is willing to take baby steps with us and grow with us.He needs us as much as we need him!He wants to stay in business in the USA and keep his employees. He needs the work as he is not under contract with the US government producing military boots.This would be a very good match for both of us.They have also done work for Cole Hahn shoes so I am confident they could prodcue the quality.This is where I hope we land!

A lot of this is the same thing I said last month.This shows the run around the small buisness owners are getting these days.The customer support you guys have shown Cruiserworks is incredible!WE can not do this with out your continued support.

Jay and I greatly appreciate all the support and we Thank you all very much!

Ride Safe,

Cara Crawford

Thursday, March 25, 2010

Making Cruiserboots in the USA

It sounds easy enough, to get a product that boasts Made in the USA. But it is not! I have found it to be a very arduous process and one that we could not even consider just 2 and a half years ago! The biggest problem we have faced is the minimum order quantities for small companies are outrageous! We can not place orders that are the size of Wal-Mart or our US Governments! Interestingly enough we are further along than we were when we tried it a couple of years ago meaning someone has actually taken our calls.
It is my intent to write about the process of moving our production to the USA. I hope to educate some folks and get some attention to how difficult it is for a small business to survive trying to produce here in the USA. I will talk about everything from funding, or lack there of, to approving the quality of the product before it goes into mass prodcution. I will also talk about being a predominately female run company.
At this point we have received all of our equipment back here in NC. from the Dominican Republic. We are currently talking to 2 different US manufacturers that are excited to work with us and produce smaller quantities for us with all the components being made here in the USA. The "made in the USA" label can be misleading. Some components are actually cut and stitched soemwhere else out of the country and then sent back here to be assembled but can still boast "made in the USA" . Cruiserworks has insisted that all components be cut and stitched domestically.
It is important to work with a company that uses the same high end components that we use in the Cruiserboots and that can provide the stitching quality our customers expect. WE boast our boots last 8-10 years and have seen thousands of examples of this. The stitiching and components must stand up to this claim! We expect to see samples by the end of next week.
We also are looking for funding for the inventory and hope to here good news from a major bank next week. Cruiserworks has shown growth the last 3 years but because we are cash sales have not had good luck in securing a line of credit. The TARP or ARC program put in place for small businesses by the Obama team is a joke. The SBA has not been a whole lot of help either. The financial area is extremely frustrating. If you are not blessed with family money or know someone in the financial business you are going to have nothing but an uphill battle. You will be told "sorry" and "good luck" more than you want to hear! If you do not have a strong belief in your product or you are sensitive to critisim you will never make it! I have been told no since August of 2009 and I refuse to listen to that word!
I am all over the place with this Blog! It is my first. I hope you enjoyed it anyway and you come back!

Cara Crawford

Thursday, April 9, 2009

May is Motorcycle Safety awareness month

Jay and I took our first motorcycle safety class together back in February 09. He is a veteran rider and I the beginner. It was long over due, I wish I had taken the course as soon as I got my VTX 1300 back in July of 2008!

Our good friend Mark Brown owner/instructor at MotoMark1 and instructor for the NCSHP, came over to Cruiseworks one Saturday afternoon really to teach me how to ride and ride safe, then Jay decided to go through the course with me. We learned that everybody will learn something and take something good with them from the course whether they are a veteran rider or a new rider!

So we would like to encourage you to find out what kinds of Safety courses are offered in your area and take one! It could save your life!

Spread the word to take that extra second to look again for as motorcycle!

Ride Safe Always!